God, come to my assistance
Lord, make haste to help me
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
Examination of the sins committed this day
Act of Contrition
Oh my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell,
but most of all because they offend Thee, my God,
Who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace
to confess all my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
Psalm 142
Hear, O Lord, my prayer:
Give ear to my supplication in thy truth:
hear me in thy justice.
And enter not into judgment with thy servant:
for in thy sight no man living shall be justified.
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul:
He hath brought down my life to the earth.
He hath made me dwell in darkness
as those that have been dead of old.
And my spirit is in anguish within me:
My heart within me is troubled.
I remembered the days of old,
I meditated on all they works:
I meditated on the works of thy hands.
I stretched forth my hands to thee:
My soul is as earth without water unto thee.
Hear me speedily, O Lord:
My spirit hath fainted away.
Turn not away thy face from me,
lest I be like them that go down into the pit.
Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning:
for in the I have hoped.
Make the way known to me,
wherein I should walk:
for I have lifted up my soul to thee.
Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord,
to thee I have fled:
Teach me to do thy will,
for thou art my God.
Thy good spirit will lead me
into the right land.
For thy name's sake, O Lord,
thou wilt quicken me in thy justice.
Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble:
And in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies.
And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul:
for I am thy servant.
Tobias 1:19-20
Tobias daily went among all his kindred,
and comforted them,
and distributed to every one as he was able,
out of his goods.
He fed the hungry,
and gave clothes to the naked,
and was careful to bury the dead,
and they that were slain.
Hear, O Lord, my prayer:
Give ear to my supplication in thy truth:
hear me in thy justice.
And enter not into judgment with thy servant:
for in thy sight no man living shall be justified.
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul:
He hath brought down my life to the earth.
He hath made me dwell in darkness
as those that have been dead of old.
And my spirit is in anguish within me:
My heart within me is troubled.
I remembered the days of old,
I meditated on all they works:
I meditated on the works of thy hands.
I stretched forth my hands to thee:
My soul is as earth without water unto thee.
Hear me speedily, O Lord:
My spirit hath fainted away.
Turn not away thy face from me,
lest I be like them that go down into the pit.
Cause me to hear thy mercy in the morning:
for in the I have hoped.
Make the way known to me,
wherein I should walk:
for I have lifted up my soul to thee.
Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord,
to thee I have fled:
Teach me to do thy will,
for thou art my God.
Thy good spirit will lead me
into the right land.
For thy name's sake, O Lord,
thou wilt quicken me in thy justice.
Thou wilt bring my soul out of trouble:
And in thy mercy thou wilt destroy my enemies.
And thou wilt cut off all them that afflict my soul:
for I am thy servant.
Tobias 1:19-20
Tobias daily went among all his kindred,
and comforted them,
and distributed to every one as he was able,
out of his goods.
He fed the hungry,
and gave clothes to the naked,
and was careful to bury the dead,
and they that were slain.
Gospel Canticle
Now thou dost dismiss thy servant,
O Lord, according to thy word in peace.
Because my eyes have seen thy salvation,
which thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples:
A light to the revelation of the Gentiles,
and the glory of thy people Israel.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
May the all powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death.
Go to Saturday Matins
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
May the all powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death.
Go to Saturday Matins
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