Sustaining the Spirit

For two thousand years the Church has sustained its prayer life in both individual and group prayer. While private prayer, relying only on the moans and groans of the spirit speaking through the heart, can be most powerful and cathartic, the Church has never been without the aid of organized, ritual prayer.

In the Catholic Church, as well as in the Orthodox and some Protestant traditions, there has always been the Divine Office, also known in modern terms as the Liturgy of the Hours. This cycle of prayers is based largely on scriptural passages with particular emphasis on the psalms.

The standard liturgy of the hours is to be recommended, whether one seeks to get back to Christian roots and use the ancient Latin breviary or simply rely on the more modern articulation printed after the Second Vatican Council. (This blog is not going to take sides in the battle between traditional and Novus Ordo Catholics).  However, the Divine Office of the Knights of the Resurrection was designed to be a simpler prayer book as well as a more martial psaltery.

The scriptural passages contained herein are meant to remind the Knights that they must be ready for conflict, for victory and for defeat. Ultimately, they must be ready for death and pray that it be a glorious finish to a valiant life.

How to Pray the Divine Office
What Is Matins?
What Is Lauds?
What Is Vespers?
What Is Compline?
The Habit of Prayer
The St. Michael Prayer and the Knights
Praying for a Sword When You Don't Own One

The Divine Office of the Knights of the Resurrection

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