The great spiritual men of the past understood very well that proper care of the body was a critical part of spirituality. As an example, consider how scripture reminds us to look well when we fast so as not to draw attention to our penance.
Consider also the diet of men who achieved great spiritual and physical feats. John the Baptist lived on locusts and wild honey. Moses fasted forty days on the mountain of God. Daniel lived on vegetables under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar.
In more recent times we have had many medieval monks reputed to have lived for long periods only on the body of Christ.
The knights are not monks and they are not hermits. There are places for such men in the Church but this order of knights does not seek nor encourage such great dietary feats. Rather, we seek to address the illness known as obesity which stalks the land as surely as many other evils.
Surrounded by a wide variety of confusing food choices in a post-scarcity environment, it is not easy to choose your food well without some guidance. This page contains links to essays and other resources to assist you in choosing a proper diet.
Weight Topics
Am I Overweight?
When to Ignore the BMI
Foods That Cause Weight Gain
Maintaining Your Weight
Diet Topics
Don't Go On a Diet!
Vegetarianism and Veganism
The Benefits of Being an Omnivore
Testosterone and Your Diet